It’s All In Your Attitude

Jin Shin Jyutsu is all about ATTITUDE, your ATTITUDE.

Are you worried? Are you angry?

Are you sad? Are you afraid?

Are you trying-to please everyone?

My friend Sara tells a great story about attitude. She was upset, I mean really upset about the state of her kitchen floor. Something had spilled, and it was left there for the next person to clean up. That next person was her and she was not happy and everyone knew she wasn’t happy. :)

When she received her next Jin Shin Jyutsu treatment she talked with Mary Burmeister about it. (Mary brought Jin Shin Jyutsu to the United States from Japan and then spread the modality throughout the world).

Mary’s advice, “Sweep the floor with absolute joy.” No one else cared that the floor was dirty, just the Mom who is responsible.

What did Sara do? Those trivial tasks have to get done. She decided she could clean with attitude or she could clean with absolute JOY. She bought a new broom, painted it (she’s an amazing artist) and from that point forward she swept with joy. And the family had a lot more fun because the Mom wasn’t always mad about the state of the house.



The Perfect Tree


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