Nourish Yourself Through Winter

Nourish Yourself Through Winter

If you are living in a snow globe, or the temperature just feels that way, it is a time for silence, a time to slow down, a time to go inward.  

Hibernate. Rejuvenate and restore. 

I think of sitting by the fire, cozy on the couch with a blanket and a good book, sipping hot chocolate or a fine glass of red wine.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine and Jin Shin Jyutsu, Winter is the season of the Kidneys. And the essence of your kidneys like to be warm.  If you tend to be on the cold side, you want to pay extra attention to staying warm when the temperature drops. When you support your body in this manner it doesn’t have to work harder or use additional Chi (life force energy) to keep you warm.

During this time of year nourish your body with warming foods. Food has an energetic temperature. Stews, meats, onions, garlic, spicy foods are all good options.  

The color is blue/black.  I pay attention to the colors my clients wear.  Are they always in black?  If so, I know the attitude of fear is prevalent in their life.  I encourage them to bring in additional colors. Often, their color choices naturally shift as their body comes in to harmony.

The mineral associated with Winter is amethyst. To nourish myself and embrace the season of Winter I have gathered my amethyst crystals and placed them around a candle on my desk. This makes me feel good!

The Attitude of Winter is Fear. There are 2 kinds of fear.  The fear that happens when you are threatened by a wild animal and the fear that is created in the mind.  

The acronym for FEAR is:





If Fear is your “go to” attitude, remember to keep that in check.  If you notice your mind slipping into the fear mindset, what can you do?  

Use your hands as jumper cables and gently hold your index finger and breathe 9 breaths.  Exhale. Inhale. Then repeat on the other finger. 

The number 9 in numerology is end of a cycle, beginning anew.  Many people are affected emotionally by the season of Winter, the above practice will help lift your spirits. You can repeat it as often as you like or as often as you need. It is to your benefit to shift that cycle from Fear to Flow!






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Your Hands Are Your Jumper Cables